Manuel Bornia MD
Manuel Bornia M.D. has been practicing Internal Medicine in Palm Beach County for over 25 years. Trained in Jersey City Medical Center, Dr. Bornia came to Florida in the 1980's to start his private practice. Since then, he has established himself as a leading internist in the area with a strong patient base and the respect of his peers. Dr. Bornia is an attending physician at JFK Medical Center. Dr. Bornia's goal is not only to foster a relationship with each patient, but to tackle the complexities of medicine together with his patients.

Insurance Policy
Nearly all major insurance plans accepted
We are proud to accept all major insurance carriers and welcome you to
our office. Below are some of our featured partners but do not hesitate to contact us for a complete list of accepted insurance providers.

If you do not see your insurance listed above, contact our office to verify availability.
Office Policies
We look forward to serving you
Co Pay
Co-Pay is due prior to seeing the doctor. We accept cash and all major debit/credit cards. Please consult with your insurance for rate.
cancelation Fee
If an appointment is not cancelled within 24 hours of your visit you will be subjected to a $50 fee no cancellation fee
Private Pay
Ask about our Private Pay programs with up to 75% discount on some procedures and laboratory tests.